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About Us

Rachel Piccolo


Rachel has dedicated her life to the practice, study and teaching of yoga. She offers over a decade of experience. She follows a practice steeped in traditions of yoga master Krishnamcharya and traditions of Iyengar and Ashtanga. She has taught countless classes and has led workshops as well as teacher training. She is a natural teacher who brings a thoughtful, creative and intelligent sequencing to each class.


Her classes are accessible while offering anatomical precision and mindfulness. Her passion is contagious and inspires you to experience the joy of the yoga practice while going beyond any barriers. Her goal is to empower you while moving you towards a healthier life.

Image by Katsia Jazwinska

From one Yogi to another 

While I have practised under many different yoga instructors over the years, I am drawn to

Rachel’s teaching style for many reasons and I have improved under her guidance. She accepts

each individual’s unique body and strives to adapt her classes to each individual’s level of ability

and awareness by providing modifications as required. She is very knowledgeable about yoga

form and is careful to ensure her students don’t injure themselves. At the same time, her

classes are difficult, and she will push you to use your athleticism, but then also varies her poses

and stretches to prevent injury. Her style and her personality are genuine, and she will

sometimes share a personal anecdote that shows her humility. There is a blend of physicality

and inner work in her classes. It is easy to listen to her voice guiding you through her well-

planned and novel sequences along with her accompanying music. I am so thankful that I

found Rachel to guide me in my yoga practise.

- Deirdre Beckerman



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